Buckhart Homepage | History Homepage | Downloads | Ivan Foster | Washington, D.C.

Foster Family History | Attachment 'A' | Attachment 'B' | Update 1980 | Christmas 1991 | Journal | A Love Story


I figured it out!  Here it is...the new Downloads page.  Right now, the family history documents are available to you in downloadable .PDF form.  Later, maybe, there will be something else -- don't count on it.  I am not sure what, but I like this idea of downloading content.  E-mail me with ideas.  Also, please tell me about any ideas on new content to the website.  I am always pleased to hear new thoughts.

               A  Love Story

               Attachment 'A'

               Attachment 'B'

               Christmas 1991

               Foster Family History

               Update 1980

               Wilma's Journal

I have something new to add to the collection.  This comes from a distant cousin, Bob Corey (grandson of Justin Wanck Foster, whose grandfather was George W. Foster, son of  Col. John D.(1819-1890), son of Peyton -- can you follow that?).  So, thanks go to Bob for these.  I do plan on arranging these in .PDF form, and Bob might be able to get the text from the second session.  This may take some time, so don't hold your breath. 

These are the floor speeches of John D. Foster from two meetings of the Missouri Convention in 1861:

               Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5    Part 6    Part 7    Part 8   

This site was last updated Sunday, August 26, 2007 20:04:49 -0500